honda mio

An Idolmaster Cinderella Girls character in the Passion (Yellow Sun) category. She is 15 and likes shopping.

Due to her popularity, she was selected for the third CINDERELLA MASTER CD series, alongside Kohinata Miho, Tada Riina, Totoki Airi and Kawashima Mizuki. Her voice actor is Hara Sayuri.

She is in two units: New Generations with Shimamura Uzuki and Shibuya Rin, and Positive Passion with Takamori Aiko and Hino Akane.

External links


由于她的受欢迎程度,她与小日向美穗、多田梨奈、远时爱理和川岛美月一起被选为第三张灰姑娘大师 CD 系列。她的配音演员是原小百合。

她分属两个单位:岛村卯月和涩谷凛的“New Generations”,以及高森爱子和日野茜的“Positive Passion”。
类型 角色
英文名 honda mio
日文名 本田未央
别名 honda mio;本田未央