hanakuma chifuyu

A mascot character for TOKYO6 ENTERTAINMENT, along with Koharu Rikka and Natsuki Karin. She is planned to have a talking voicebank on the CeVIO engine and a singing voicebank on the Synthesizer V engine.

She is officially illustrated by Teshima Nari and has long black hair in side braids, green eyes, and glasses. She wears a school uniform consisting of blue blazer, blue miniskirt, green necktie and green vest.

She is a 1st year student at the fictitious Otaru Shiokaze Highschool along with her fellow classmates and club members 2nd year Koharu Rikka and 3rd year Natsuki Karin. Her birthday is on March 2nd. She is voiced by Okuno Kaya.

Official art

TOKYO6 ENTERTAINMENT 的吉祥物角色,与小春立花和夏树花琳一起。她计划在 CeVIO 引擎上拥有一个说话的语音库,在 Synthesizer V 引擎上拥有一个唱歌的语音库。

她的官方插画师是 Teshima Nari,留着长长的黑发,编着侧辫,绿色的眼睛,戴着眼镜。她穿着校服,包括蓝色西装外套、蓝色迷你裙、绿色领带和绿色背心。

类型 角色
英文名 hanakuma chifuyu
日文名 花隈千冬
别名 Hanakuma Chifuyu;花隈千冬;花隈千冬;千冬ギャラリー
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