
A recurring character from Nier, the twin sister of Popola, distinguishable by her wavy hair and cheerier personality. She is voiced by Shiraishi Ryouko (JP) and Eden Riegel (EN), original character design was done by D.K.


Devola has green eyes, medium length wavy red hair .

Apparel (Gestalt/RepliCant)

Devola's Gestalt/RepliCant outfit consist of a red strapless shirt top with a baggy red pants with crosslaced sides. Wears a white tabard over the outfit. Sometimes depicted with a wand.

Apparel (Automata)

Her Automata appearance has a two-tone black and white dress with fishnet shoulder cutouts and a side slit on the left, wears a pair of red pants, knee pads and black knee boots on the lower body.

波波拉的双胞胎姐妹尼尔中反复出现的角色,以她的卷发和开朗的性格而著称。她由白石凉子(JP)和艾登·里格尔(EN)配音,原创角色设计由 D.K.

Devola 的 Gestalt/RepliCant 服装由红色无肩带衬衫上衣和两侧交叉系带的宽松红色裤子组成。衣服外面穿着一件白色战袍。有时描绘为拿着魔杖。

类型 角色
英文名 devola
日文名 デボル
别名 Devola;デボル;デボル;迪瓦菈