cardcaptor sakura

A popular manga and anime created by CLAMP. Known as Cardcaptors in America.

The story centers on Kinomoto Sakura, an elementary school student who discovers magical powers after accidentally freeing a set of magical cards into the world; she must retrieve the cards to prevent catastrophe. Each of these cards grants different magical powers, and can only be activated by someone with inherent magical abilities. A sequel, Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Arc, was released from 2016 until 2024.

For the complete list of characters, costumes and items, see the list of Cardcaptor Sakura characters.

Main Characters

Minor Characters

See Also

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故事以木之本樱为中心,她是一名小学生,在无意中将一组魔法卡牌释放到世界上后发现了魔法的力量;她必须取回卡片以防止灾难发生。每张卡都赋予不同的魔法力量,并且只能由具有固有魔法能力的人激活。续作《魔卡少女樱透明卡片篇》于 2016 年至 2024 年期间发行。

类型 unknown
英文名 cardcaptor sakura
别名 カードキャプターさくら;CCさくら;魔卡少女樱