yunhua lu

A character in Kanata no Astra.


A shy, quiet girl who constantly apologizes for everything she does. This is a result of being emotionally suppressed by her mother. Her mother, Lucy Lum, is a world-famous singer. Yun-Hua has a great singing voice, but her mother constantly berated her and told her she should not bring attention to herself, so she distanced herself as much as possible.
At the end of the series, she becomes a popular singer herself.

Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

一个害羞、安静的女孩,经常为自己所做的一切道歉。这是她母亲在情感上压抑的结果。她的母亲Lucy Lum是一位世界著名歌手。云花的歌声很好听,但妈妈却不断地斥责她,让她不要引起别人的注意,所以她尽量远离自己。
类型 角色
英文名 yunhua lu
日文名 ユンファ・ルー
别名 ;ユンファ・ルー