perseus (azur lane)

Azur Lane character. Personification of British Colossus-class light aircraft carrier HMS Perseus (R51).

Created by kincora and voiced by Oozora Naomi.


In real life, Perseus was originally designed as a regular light aircraft carrier of the Colossus-class, themselves grouped under the designation "1942 Design Light Fleet Carrier", and designed and built by civilian shipyards to ease the burden on the larger shipyards as well as the directly-operated Royal Navy ones.

However, the success of Unicorn as an aircraft maintenance and support carrier (as well as the fact that the Royal Navy doesn't have adequate shore repair facilities aside from Singapore and Hong Kong) led the Royal Navy to request two more maintenance carriers, of which Perseus was one of them.

She entered Pacific service in October 1945, too late for the war. However, she wound up useful in another role: she was the first carrier in history with a steam catapult. Between 1950 and 1952, she demonstrated the superiority of steam catapults over existing hydraulic types, which the US Navy and others adopted. Afterward, she served as a ferry carrier until 1954 and scrapped four years later.


Colossus-class (1942 Design) light aircraft carriers

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The following tags implicate this tag: perseus_(spring_lackadaisical_leisure)_(azur_lane) and perseus_(unfamiliar_duties)_(azur_lane) (learn more).

碧蓝航线角色。英国巨像级轻型航空母舰英仙座号 (R51) 的拟人化。



她于 1945 年 10 月进入太平洋服役,但对于战争来说已经太晚了。然而,她最终扮演了另一个角色:她是历史上第一艘配备蒸汽弹射器的航母。 1950 年至 1952 年间,她展示了蒸汽弹射器相对于美国海军和其他国家采用的现有液压弹射器的优越性。此后,她一直担任渡轮运输直到 1954 年,四年后报废。

以下标签暗示此标签:perseus_(spring_lackadaisical_leisure)_(azur_lane) 和perseus_(unfamiliar_duties)_(azur_lane)(了解更多)。
类型 角色
英文名 perseus (azur lane)
日文名 パーシュース
别名 ;パーシュース;パーシュース(アズールレーン);パーシューズ;英仙座