nico (devil may cry)

Nicoletta Goldstein, a.k.a. Nico, is Nero's partner and weapon designer in Devil May Cry 5. She drives the Devil May Cry van and designs his Devil Breakers, as well as providing some comic relief. She is the daughter of Agnus from the previous game.

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Nicoletta Goldstein,又名 Nico,是《鬼泣 5》中尼禄的搭档和武器设计师。她驾驶鬼泣货车并设计他的《鬼泣》,并提供一些喜剧效果。她是上一款游戏中阿格努斯的女儿。
类型 unknown
英文名 nico (devil may cry)
别名 ニコ(デビルメイクライ);ニコレッタ・ゴールドスタイン;ニコ;niko