marie (girls und panzer)

Marie (マリー)

A character from the series Girls und Panzer and introduced in Das Finale.

Tank commander of an FT-17 and overall commander of the French-themed BC Freedom Academy tankery team.

She is based off of Marie Antoinette from the series Versailles no Bara.
Her full name is unknown.

Voiced by Hara Yumi [1].

Official Character Bio
Das Finale

Commanding officer of the BC Freedom Academy tankery team. Has a gentle personality and likes sweets so much that she eats cake during the match.
Although she herself is an Escalator student, she does not seem to care much about the conflict between the Examination students and the Escalator group.
Commander of the flag tank, an FT-17.

Source: [2]

Typical tags

See also

[1]Anime DatabaseHara Yumi
[2]Official site(JP)Marie
TV TropesDas Finale

FT-17 坦克指挥官和法国主题 BC Freedom Academy 坦克队总指挥官。


BC 自由学院坦克队指挥官。性格温柔,非常喜欢吃甜食,比赛时会吃蛋糕。
旗舰坦克 FT-17 的车长。
类型 角色
英文名 marie (girls und panzer)
日文名 マリー
别名 ;マリー;マリー(GuP);みほマリ;ダーマリ;玛丽