himiko (fate)

A Ruler-class Servant in Fate/Grand Order, first seen in the GUDAGUDA Yamatai-koku event. The Priest-Queen of Yamatai-koku, a country from ancient Japan. She supposedly used a form of magecraft called Kidou, and united the divided nation of Wa-koku through the power of oracles. Iyo is her disciple and successor after her death.

Character Design: toi8
Voice Actress: Tamura Yukari


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The following tags implicate this tag: himiko_(first_ascension)_(fate), himiko_(second_ascension)_(fate), himiko_(third_ascension)_(fate), and himiko_(tour_outfit)_(fate) (learn more).

《Fate/Grand Order》中的统治者级从者,首次出现于 GUDAGUDA 邪马台国事件中。古代日本邪马台国的祭司女王。据说她使用了一种叫做鬼道的魔术,通过神谕的力量统一了分裂的和国。伊予是她的弟子,也是她死后的继承人。

以下标签暗示此标签:himiko_(first_ascension)_(fate)、himiko_(second_ascension)_(fate)、himiko_(third_ascension)_(fate) 和 Himiko_(tour_outfit)_(fate)(了解更多)。
类型 角色
英文名 himiko (fate)
日文名 卑弥呼
别名 ;卑弥呼(Fate);卑弥呼