fiona frost

A deuteragonist from Spy x Family.

She is a spy working for W.I.S.E. under the code name of "Nightfall" and was trained by Twilight. She is always desperate to win his love, even to the point of wanting to replace Yor Briar. As a result, Nightfall serves as an antithesis to Yor.

她是一名为 W.I.S.E 工作的间谍。代号“Nightfall”,接受暮暮训练。她总是渴望赢得他的爱,甚至想取代约·布里尔。因此,《夜幕降临》成为了尤尔的对立面。
类型 角色
英文名 fiona frost
日文名 フィオナ・フロスト
别名 Fiona Frost;フィオナ・フロスト;フィオナ・フロスト;夜帷(SPY×FAMILY);フィオナ