executor (arknights)

Executor, a professional undertaker sent from the Laterano Embassy, is glad to fulfill any and all contracts

A playable Sniper Operator in Arknights.

Real 名称:Federico Giallo


Place of Birth:Laterano
Birthday:July 7
Height:181 cm
Combat Experience:5 years

A lawyer from the Laterano Notarial Hall, he came to Rhodes Island along with Vermeil in order to fulfill his client's last wish to give Vermeil treatment for her oripathy. He himself has been contracted to Rhodes Island, where he executes functions related to the rights of Laterano citizens. His main weapon is a shotgun, most likely based on a Winchester Model 1887.

Due to the way he speaks and his behavior, many of his colleagues are convinced he is just a robot disguised as a living person.

As a Sankta, his motif is an angel. He has a black halo above his head and crystallized black "wings" coming out of his back.

He is voiced by Takashi Kondou.


Alternate Forms

The following tags implicate this tag: executor_(titleless_code)_(arknights) and executor_the_ex_foedere_(arknights) (learn more).


他是拉特兰公证厅的律师,为了完成委托人为维梅尔治疗矿石病的遗愿,与维梅尔一起来到了罗德岛。他本人已与罗德岛签订合同,在那里执行与拉特兰公民权利相关的职能。他的主要武器是一把霰弹枪,很可能是基于温彻斯特 1887 型手枪设计的。


作为 Sankta,他的主题是天使。他头顶上有黑色光环,背后长出一对黑色结晶“翅膀”。

以下标签暗示此标签:executor_(titleless_code)_(arknights) 和 executor_the_ex_foedere_(arknights)(了解更多)。
类型 角色
英文名 executor (arknights)
日文名 イグゼキュター
别名 ;送葬人;イグゼキュター(アークナイツ);executor