love live! school idol festival

Love Live! School Idol Festival is a rhythm game released for iOS and Android, based on the Love Live! franchise. It was published by Bushiroad and KLab and was released on the April 16, 2013 for iOS and June 6, 2013 for Android devices.

An English version was released on May 11, 2014 under the title "School Idol Festival" at version 1.6.

On January 31, 2023, it was announced that the game would be terminating services on March 31, 2023.

Following on the success of the game, Bushiroad announced at the 2017 Tokyo Game Show that they would be making a follow-up game, Love Live! School Idol Festival All Stars, featuring the members of µ's and Aqours along with new members from the Perfect Dream Project interacting in a brand new storyline.

Use this tag for game-original characters, references to events or interactions from the game or when you see μ's or Aqours wearing costumes exclusive to the game.

List of game-original characters

Chitose Bridge High School
Seiran High School
Shinonome Academy
Shion Girls Academy
Touou Academy
Y.G. International Academy

This tag implicates love_live! (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: love_live!_school_idol_festival_after_school_activity (learn more).

爱生活!学园偶像祭是一款基于《Love Live!》的节奏游戏,面向 iOS 和 Android 发布。特许经营权。它由 Bushiroad 和 KLab 发布,iOS 版本于 2013 年 4 月 16 日发布,Android 设备版本于 2013 年 6 月 6 日发布。

英文版于2014年5月11日发布,名为“School Idol Festival”,版本为1.6。


继游戏取得成功后,Bushiroad 在 2017 年东京电玩展上宣布他们将制作后续游戏《Love Live!》 µ's 和 Aqours 成员以及完美梦想计划的新成员在全新故事情节中互动的学园偶像祭 All Stars。

使用此标签来标记游戏原创角色、游戏中的事件或互动的引用,或者当您看到 μ's 或 Aqours 穿着游戏独有的服装时。

类型 版权&品牌
英文名 love live! school idol festival
别名 ;ラブライブ!スクールアイドルフェスティバル;スクールアイドルフェスティバル;スクフェス;モブライブ!