love live! nijigasaki high school idol club

The third entry in the Love Live! franchise. Originally announced as a spinoff of the Love Live! School Idol Festival mobile game under the working title PERFECT Dream Project, it was later revealed at Tokyo Game Show 2017 to be a brand new idol group who would be the main story focus of the upcoming Love Live! School Idol Festival All Stars. It follows the members of the Nijigasaki High School Idol Club, comprised of the three most popular N (Normal)-Rarity idols voted in from School Idol Festival, plus new characters introduced in All Stars.

An anime adaptation was announced in December 2019 and started airing on October 2020.


Nijigasaki Idol Club
  • Joined in the 1st Season
  • Joined in the 2nd Season


External links

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《Love Live!》的第三个作品!特许经营权。最初宣布为 Love Live! 的衍生作品!学园偶像祭手游暂定名为《PERFECT Dream Project》,后来在 2017 年东京电玩展上揭晓,这是一个全新的偶像团体,将成为即将推出的 Love Live! 的主要故事焦点!学园偶像祭全明星。该剧讲述了虹崎高中偶像俱乐部的成员,该俱乐部由学园偶像节投票选出的三位最受欢迎的 N(普通)稀有偶像组成,此外还加入了《全明星》中引入的新角色。
类型 版权&品牌
英文名 love live! nijigasaki high school idol club
日文名 ラブライブ!虹ヶ咲学園スクールアイドル同好会
别名 ;PDP;ラブライブ!PDP;スクフェスPERFECT_Dream_Project;ラブライブ_虹ヶ咲学園スクールアイドル同好会;虹ヶ咲学園スクールアイドル同好会;ラブライブ!虹ヶ咲学園スクールアイドル同好会;虹ヶ咲