leipzig (azur lane)

Azur Lane's personification of the German light cruiser Leipzig, the name ship of her class of two light cruisers.

In-game, she can be unlocked by the player for normal build by limit-breaking the light cruisers Karlsruhe, Koeln, and Koenigsberg.


In real life, Leipzig was the fourth light cruiser built by Germany after World War I as an improvement over the preceding Koenigsberg-class trio with better main gun arrangement and armor.

She served the pre-war years in goodwill cruises, training cruises, and neutrality patrols in the Spanish Civil War. When World War II began, she ran escort duties until she was torpedoed by a British submarine. Once repairs were finished, she was sent to provide fire support in the German invasion of the Soviet Union but otherwise spent most of her time as a training ship. In 1944, she was accidentally rammed (and nearly sliced in half) by Prinz Eugen in foggy conditions and the damage was judged too severe for her to be fully repaired. Thus, she was only patched up sufficiently for one last mission: gunfire support and the seaborne evacuation of troops and civilians from East Prussia.

Reaching Denmark a few days before V-E Day, she was retained by Germany as a barracks ship and scuttled in 1946.


Leipzig-class light cruisers

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战前几年,她在西班牙内战期间参加了亲善巡航、训练巡航和中立巡逻。第二次世界大战开始时,她执行护航任务,直到被一艘英国潜艇的鱼雷击中。维修完成后,她被派去为德国入侵苏联提供火力支援,但除此之外,她大部分时间都作为训练舰。 1944 年,她在大雾条件下被欧根亲王号意外撞击(几乎被切成两半),损伤严重,无法完全修复。因此,她只为最后一项任务做好了充分的修补:炮火支援以及从东普鲁士海上撤离部队和平民。

她在胜利日前几天抵达丹麦,被德国保留作为军营船,并于 1946 年自沉。

类型 角色
英文名 leipzig (azur lane)
日文名 ライプツィヒ
别名 ;ライプツィヒ(アズールレーン);ライプツィヒ;莱比锡