kemomimi oukoku kokuei housou

Otherwise referred to as Kemomimi Oukoku, it is the name of the managing brand behind 3DCG artist Nekomasu's channels since early 2018. Run by the artist, he is also referred to as Virtual Nojaloli Kitsunemusume YouTuber Ojisan and appeared as Mikoko on the channel.

Nekomasu would announce in July 2018 that the channel was shifting to be more akin to a virtual variety channel, and that the channel had been sold to LiveCartoon.LLC. The channel rebranded as a result, going from "Kemomimi VR Channel" to "Virtual Program Channel" (バーチャル番組チャンネル; briefly バーチャル番組連盟 at first) as Nekomasu moved away from YouTube, opting for Twitter and Niconico, branding himself "Virtual Nojaloli Kitsunemusume Former YouTuber Ojisan" and eschewing the VTuber handle altogether, not considering himself one at all.

The original channel would go dormant after August 2019, and a new successor channel, simply titled Kemomimi Oukoku, would emerge later in October, its host gradually becoming a new model, Nekomasu-chan. The original channel would end up losing its branding entirely by May 2020, just becoming "_" as it continued to lay dormant. It wouldn't be until January 3rd, 2021 that the channel was once more returned to Nekomasu, being renamed to "Kemomimi Oukoku「Kitsune」", with all the LiveCartoon era videos becoming unlisted.


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也称为 Kemomimi Oukoku,它是自 2018 年初以来 3DCG 艺术家 Nekomasu 频道背后的管理品牌的名称。由艺术家运营,他也被称为 Virtual Nojaloli Kitsunemusume YouTuber Ojisan,并在频道中以 Mikoko 的身份出现。

Nekomasu 于 2018 年 7 月宣布,该频道正在转变为更类似于虚拟综艺频道,并且该频道已出售给 LiveCartoon.LLC。结果,该频道重新命名,从“Kemomimi VR Channel”更名为“Virtual Program Channel”(バーチャル番组チャンネル;最初简称为バーチャル番组连盟),因为 Nekomasu 离开了 YouTube,选择了 Twitter 和 Niconico,将自己称为“Virtual Nojaloli” Kitsunemusume 前 YouTuber Ojisan”并完全避开 VTuber 手柄,根本不认为自己是其中之一。

原来的频道将在 2019 年 8 月后休眠,一个名为 Kemomimi Oukoku 的新的后续频道将于 10 月晚些时候出现,其主持人逐渐成为新模特 Nekomasu-chan。到 2020 年 5 月,原来的频道最终将完全失去其品牌,只是变成“_”,因为它继续处于休眠状态。直到2021年1月3日,该频道才再次回归Nekomasu,并更名为“Kemomimi Oukoku「Kitsune」”,所有LiveCartoon时代的视频都不再公开。
类型 其他
英文名 kemomimi oukoku kokuei housou
日文名 けもみみvrちゃんねる
别名 kemomimi oukoku kokuei housou;けもみみおーこく;けもみみおーこく国営放送;獣耳帝国国営放送;けもみみVRちゃんねる;バーチャルのじゃロリ狐娘Youtuberおじさん;バーチャルのじゃロリ狐娘元youtuberおじさん;バーチャルのじゃろり狐娘Youtuberおじさん