ezo red fox (kemono friends)

A Kemono Friends character. She is one of many "Friends" in Japari Park, being part of the Snowy Mountain Region in the anime.

As her name suggests, she is an Ezo Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes schrencki), a red fox subspecies native to Hokkaido and Sakhalin.

Her outfit consists of what appears to be an orange blazer uniform with fur lined sleeves and a white pleated skirt, beige pantyhose fading to white at the feet, black gloves as well as a scarf tied into a bow. She has long blonde hair with black-tipped bangs along with the requisite fox ears and tail. She can be distinguished from a simple palette swap of Silver Fox with her lack of sidelocks. Her eyes are also a lighter amber color than her fellow fox.

More often than not, she is depicted as a slacker who likes to play video games.

She is often seen with Silver Fox, a fellow fox Friend. Compare as well with Red Fox, their nominate species Friend.


顾名思义,她是虾夷红狐(Vulpes vulpes schrencki),是北海道和萨哈林岛原产的红狐亚种。


类型 未定义
英文名 ezo red fox (kemono friends)
别名 ;キタキツネ;キタキツネ(けものフレンズ);ゆきやまコンビ