yamakaze (kancolle)

Yamakaze, (山風, literally, "Mountain Wind,") is the eighth of the ten Shiratsuyu-class destroyers as personified in Kantai Collection.
Character design by Kujou Ichiso, voiced by Hashimoto Chinami.


Yamakaze has a distinctly "crybaby"-type personality, with a crippling lack of self-confidence in herself or her actions (even denying MVP). Several of her in-game lines relate to fear of bullying, or treating the player's clicking as bullying. Due to the circumstances of her sinking, she also especially fears the night and submarines, and has in-game lines asking the Admiral to hold her hand for reassurance. She also looks up to her sister-ships, Umikaze and particularly Kawakaze, as well as treating Nachi and Haguro as respected seniors.


Yamakaze wears a heavily modified black serafuku with detached sleeves, similar to her sister-ships Umikaze and Kawakaze. This includes a large white stripe on the front of the blouse, blue neckerchief, black pleated skirt with black thighhighs forming zettai ryouiki, and mary janes. She has long mint-green hair tied in a ponytail with a black or dark blue hair ribbon, with long sidelocks formed from parted bangs held off with hairclips and a single strand of hair going between her green eyes.

Her seasonal CG for New Year 2017 features her dressed in a dark blue furisode featuring a floral print along with the hem and sleeves fading to white. She is holding a hagoita.

For Hinamatsuri 2017, she is dressed in a miko-like outfit with an additional robe and the Empress doll's ornament. With the laddle with a spout she's carrying, she is supposed to be dressed as one of the sake bearer dolls.

Her rigging consists of a funnel worn like a backpack, with a mast and life preserver strapped behind. She has a single, twin-cannon turret attached to her left wrist, and torpedo launcher turrets strapped on the outside of either thigh.

She later gets her second remodel during the September 28, 2021 update. See the page for more details.


The real-life Yamakaze was part of Destroyer Division 24 at the time of Pearl Harbor, alongside sister-ships Umikaze, Kawakaze, and Suzukaze. Yamakaze's first and only major engagement was The Battle of Java Sea, where Nachi and Haguro were the largest ships on the Japanese side.

At 19:45, June 25th, 1942, the submarine USS Nautilus struck Yamakaze with a torpedo attack near the coast of Japan, causing her sinking about two hours later, approximately 110 km southeast of Yokosuka.

Kantai Collection's Shiratsuyu-class


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山风具有明显的“爱哭鬼”型性格,对自己或自己的行为极度缺乏自信(甚至否认 MVP)。她在游戏中的几句台词都与害怕欺凌有关,或者将玩家的点击视为欺凌。由于她沉没的情况,她也特别害怕夜晚和潜艇,并在游戏中要求海军上将握着她的手以保证安全。她还尊敬她的姐妹舰“海风”,尤其是“川风”,并将那智和羽黑视为受人尊敬的前辈。

山风号身穿经过大幅改造的黑色袖福衣,与她的姐妹舰海风号和川风号类似。其中包括衬衫正面的白色大条纹、蓝色围巾、黑色百褶裙、黑色长筒袜(形成zettai Ryouiki)和玛丽珍鞋。她有一头薄荷绿色的长发,用黑色或深蓝色的发带扎成马尾辫,用发夹固定的刘海形成长长的侧发,绿色的眼睛之间有一缕头发。

她的 2017 年新年季节性 CG 中,她穿着一件深蓝色长袖长袖连衣裙,上面有花卉图案,下摆和袖子褪色为白色。她手里拿着羽子板。

在 2017 年女儿节中,她穿着类似巫女的服装,搭配额外的长袍和皇后娃娃的装饰品。她拿着带壶嘴的勺子,应该打扮成清酒人偶之一。


随后,她在 2021 年 9 月 28 日更新期间进行了第二次改造。请参阅页面了解更多详情。

现实生活中的山风号在珍珠港事件中隶属于第 24 驱逐舰分队,其他姐妹舰还有海风号、川风号和铃风号。山风号的第一次也是唯一一次重大交战是爪哇海海战,那智号和羽黑号是日本方面最大的战舰。

1942 年 6 月 25 日 19 时 45 分,美国海军鹦鹉螺号潜艇在日本海岸附近用鱼雷袭击了山风号,导致其在大约两小时后沉没,地点位于横须贺东南约 110 公里处。
类型 角色
英文名 yamakaze (kancolle)
别名 ;山風;山風(艦隊これくしょん);山風(艦これ)