saber lily

A non-canonical alternate costume of Saber playable in the Fate/Unlimited Codes fighting game for the PS2 based on Fate/stay night. She also appeared in the Type-Moon OVA Carnival Phantasm, along with Phantas-Moon, Magical Amber, and Kaleido Ruby.

She is basically Saber as a magical girl with a strong lily motif, though not in a literal sense.

As of the release of Fate/Grand Order, she has gotten an official story, where she is Saber during her earlier days, still wielding Caliburn and just beginning to walk the path of a king. She was still an inexperienced knight, looked like an adorable lily, and her eyes brimmed with shining hope. To experience many things, she traveled the land and engaged in many adventures. The people she saved in his time came to call her in past of the Knight Princess, for her brilliance and beauty.

Saber Lily is treated as a separate character from Saber, so do not add the Saber tag if she is by herself. It's only applicable if both characters are together in the image.



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This tag implicates artoria_pendragon_(fate) (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: saber_lily_(festival_outfit)_(fate) (learn more).

一种非规范的 Saber 替代服装,可在基于《命运/永夜》的 PS2 版《命运/无限代码》格斗游戏中使用。她还与幻月、魔法琥珀和万花红宝石一起出现在型月 OVA 嘉年华幻想中。


在《Fate/Grand Order》发售时,她得到了一个官方故事,她是早期的Saber,仍然挥舞着Caliburn,刚刚开始走上王者之路。她还是一个没有经验的骑士,看起来就像一朵可爱的百合花,眼睛里闪烁着希望。为了经历很多事情,她走遍了这片土地,经历了很多冒险。当年被她救过的人们,过去都称她为骑士公主,因为她的光彩和美丽。

Saber Lily被视为与Saber不同的角色,因此如果她独自一人,请勿添加Saber标签。仅当图像中两个角色在一起时才适用。
类型 角色
英文名 saber lily
日文名 セイバー・リリィ
别名 saber lily;セイバー・リリィ;セイバーリリィ