reiuji utsuho

The "Scorching, Troublesome Divine Flame". Final boss of Touhou's Subterranean Animism and later a playable character in Hisoutensoku. Has the power to manipulate nuclear fusion. Her nickname is "Okuu" (おくう), which is based on an alternate reading of the kanji in her name.

Utsuho is a hell raven who has absorbed the powers of a yatagarasu. This new power, however, drove her on an ambitious yet naive pursuit - to conquer the surface world and turn it into a part of the Hell of Blazing Fires - forcing her friend Kaenbyou Rin to send evil spirits above to warn anyone of her threat. Both Reiuji and Rin are pets of Komeiji Satori.

Her (fan-given) catchprase is 'Unyu'; she is also known as because, like Cirno (whose nickname is ), she is rather dumb and the strongest of the Former Hell, only difference is, she actually is strong. "⑥" also reflects her status as a Stage 6 boss, and the notion of her heat-based powers being the inverse of Cirno and her ice abilities.

Her spellcards are announced with a highly visible radiation symbol.


Person: long hair, black hair, brown hair, ponytail, brown eyes, red eyes, bird wings, black wings, wings, third eye, Third eye on Chest
Clothing: blouse, white shirt, collared shirt, frilled shirt collar, center frills, buttons, puffy short sleeves, green skirt, frilled skirt, uneven legwear, kneehighs, black thighhighs, mismatched footwear, single shoe, cape, white cape, starry sky print
Accessories: hair bow, green bow, control rod, arm cannon, atom, sun, black sun, eclipse, solar eclipse, radiation symbol


Usual appearance


External links

The following tags are aliased to this tag: okuu (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: reiuji_utsuho_(bird) (learn more).

“灼热、麻烦的神炎”。东方地下万物有灵论的最终 Boss,后来成为《Hisoutensoku》中的可玩角色。拥有操纵核聚变的能力。她的昵称是“Okuu”(おくう),这是基于她名字中汉字的另一种读法。

宇都穗是一只吸收了八咫乌力量的地狱乌鸦。然而,这种新的力量驱使她进行了雄心勃勃但天真的追求——征服地表世界并将其变成烈火地狱的一部分——迫使她的朋友Kaenbyou Rin派出恶灵到上面警告任何人她的威胁。礼氏和凛都是古明寺悟的宠物。

她的(粉丝给出的)流行语是“Unyu”;她也被称为⑥,因为她和琪露诺(昵称⑨)一样,都比较笨,是前地狱的最强者,唯一不同的是,她其实很强。 “⑥”也反映了她作为第六阶段 Boss 的地位,以及她的基于热的能力与琪露诺和她的冰能力相反的概念。

类型 角色
英文名 reiuji utsuho
日文名 霊烏路空
别名 reiuji utsuho;霊烏路空;お空;灵乌路空;레이우지우츠호;うにゅぱい