pyrrha nikos

Pyrrha Nikos is a character from RWBY, a Rooster Teeth production. Her design is inspired by Achilles.

Pyrrha is the "P" in Team JNPR. She is friendly, thoughtful, and self-sacrificing. Nicknamed the "Invincible Girl" by the public for her prodigal skill in student combat tournaments.

She is killed near the end of volume 3 by Cinder Fall with the remains of her weapons gear and armor recovered and then melted down and incorporated into Jaune Arc's sword and shield and armor in the 6 month time-skip between volume 3 and 4 as a memento of her to him.


Pyrrha wields Miló and Akoúo̱. Miló is a weapon with three forms: a javelin spear, a xiphos (small sword), or a rifle. It is red with bronze trimming. Akoúo̱ is a bronze metal rounded shield often worn as a buckler.

Her weapons are also her emblem (a shield and spear). Pyrrha's semblance is "polarity" (control over magnetism), which helps her fight with her weapons (especially when throwing her shield) and subtly influence the moves of her opponents.

Physical Characteristics

Pyrrha has green eyes and long red hair tied in a ponytail.

She stands 6 feet tall when wearing her usual heels.


Pyrrha usually wears a metal headpiece (a circlet or forehead protector) around her head. Two small emeralds hang from the metal band on delicate chain loops near her ears.

Her combat attire includes a bronze gorget around her neck, black (or very dark red/brown) elbow gloves, a bronze metal armlet on her upper left arm, a bronze metal vambrace secured with black cross-laces on her lower left arm (to which her shield attaches), a brown leather or dark bronze breastplate which resembles a corset secured with black cross-laces in the back, a red sarong over a dark red or black miniskirt (with possibly another pair of black shorts underneath), a buckled belt with circular metal plate bearing her emblem on the right and two belt pouches hanging off the back, bronze metal leg armor (greaves) reaching up to mid-thigh (possibly zettai ryouiki) over dark red/brown/black thighhighs, and dark brown leather high heel boots with bronze trim.

In school, she trades her combat outfit for the usual Beacon Academy uniform (white blouse with red neck ribbon, brown blazer, and plaid skirt), but keeps her bronze metal headpiece.

External links

皮拉·尼科斯是 Rooster Teeth 制作的《RWBY》中的一个角色。她的设计灵感来自阿喀琉斯。

Pyratha 是 JNPR 团队中的“P”。她友善、体贴且具有自我牺牲精神。因在学生格斗比赛中表现出色而被大众戏称为“无敌少女”。

她在第 3 卷快结束时被 Cinder Fall 杀死,她的武器装备和盔甲的残余物被回收,然后在第 3 卷和第 4 卷之间的 6 个月时间跳跃中熔化并融入 Jaune Arc 的剑、盾牌和盔甲中。她给他的纪念品。

皮拉挥舞着米洛和阿库奥。 Miló 是一种具有三种形式的武器:标枪、xiphos(小剑)或步枪。它是红色的,带有古铜色镶边。 Akoúo̱ 是一种青铜金属圆形盾牌,通常作为圆盾佩戴。



她的战斗服装包括脖子上的青铜护颈、黑色(或深红色/棕色)肘部手套、左上臂上的青铜金属臂章、左下臂上用黑色交叉鞋带固定的青铜金属臂甲(以她的盾牌所附的),棕色皮革或深青铜胸甲,类似于紧身胸衣,背面用黑色交叉鞋带固定,红色纱笼罩在深红色或黑色迷你裙上(下面可能还有另一条黑色短裤),带扣的腰带,带有圆形金属板,右侧带有她的徽章,两个腰带袋挂在后面,青铜金属腿甲(护腿)到达大腿中部(可能是zettai ryouiki),搭配深红色/棕色/黑色长筒袜,深棕色青铜饰边皮革高跟靴。

类型 角色
英文名 pyrrha nikos
日文名 PyrrhaNikos
别名 Pyrrha Nikos;Pyrrha Nikos;Pyrrha;PyrrhaNikos;pyrrha;ピュラ・ニコス