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Pokémon (ポケットモンスター, Pocket Monsters) is a highly popular RPG series developed by Tajiri Satoshi, with art by Sugimori Ken, for Nintendo handheld video game devices since 1996, and has since spawned several spinoff games, manga, and an anime series.

In the main games, the player character goes on a journey through various cities, towns and landscape (caves, forests, sea, etc.) and meets creatures known as Pokémon. The player is able to collect Pokémon to form a personalized team, train them to make them stronger, choose their known skills and command them to fight against other Pokémon. People who do that are Pokémon Trainers. Many NPCs are Pokémon Trainers available to fight against the player.

The storyline advances as the player gains eight badges for defeating different Gym Leaders and eventually challenges the Elite Four and the current Champion; defeating them all grants the player the title of Champion for himself/herself. Typical side quests, such as finding a specific item or person, are also required at certain points. Additionally, the player repeatedly fights against his or her personal rivals and routinely clashes with a criminal organization.


See Help:Pokémon tags.


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The following tags are aliased to this tag: pocket_monsters (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: detective_pikachu, new_pokemon_snap, pokemon:_hisuian_snow, pokemon:_twilight_wings, pokemon_(anime), pokemon_adventures, pokemon_battle_revolution, pokemon_bdsp, pokemon_bw, pokemon_bw2, pokemon_cafe_remix, pokemon_colosseum, pokemon_conquest, pokemon_dppt, pokemon_evolutions, pokemon_frlg, pokemon_go, pokemon_gsc, pokemon_hgss, pokemon_legends:_arceus, pokemon_legends:_z-a, pokemon_lgpe, pokemon_masters_ex, pokemon_mystery_dungeon, pokemon_oras, pokemon_origins, pokemon_ranger, pokemon_rgby, pokemon_rse, pokemon_sleep, pokemon_sm, pokemon_stadium, pokemon_sv, pokemon_swsh, pokemon_tcg, pokemon_tcg_gb, pokemon_unite, pokemon_usum, pokemon_xd, pokemon_xy, and project_voltage (learn more).

神奇宝贝(ポケットモンsuター,口袋妖怪)是自 1996 年以来由田尻聪开发、杉森健负责美术的一款非常受欢迎的角色扮演游戏系列,适用于任天堂手持视频游戏设备,并已衍生出多个衍生游戏、漫画和动漫系列。

在主游戏中,玩家角色将踏上穿越各个城市、城镇和景观(洞穴、森林、海洋等)的旅程,并遇到被称为神奇宝贝的生物。玩家可以收集神奇宝贝组建个性化团队,训练它们使它们变得更强,选择它们已知的技能并命令它们与其他神奇宝贝战斗。这样做的人就是神奇宝贝训练家。许多 NPC 都是神奇宝贝训练师,可以与玩家对抗。


以下标签暗示此标签:Detective_pikachu、new_pokemon_snap、pokemon:_hisuian_snow、pokemon:_twilight_wings、pokemon_(anime)、pokemon_adventures、pokemon_battle_revolution、pokemon_bdsp、pokemon_bw、pokemon_bw2、pokemon_cafe_remix、pokemon_colosseum、 _征服,pokemon_dppt,pokemon_evolutions,pokemon_frlg,pokemon_go,pokemon_gsc, pokemon_hgss, pokemon_legends:_arceus, pokemon_legends:_z-a, pokemon_lgpe, pokemon_masters_ex, pokemon_mystery_dungeon, pokemon_oras, pokemon_origins, pokemon_ranger, pokemon_rgby, pokemon_rse, pokemon_sleep, pokemon_sm, pokemon_stadium, okemon_sv、pokemon_swsh、pokemon_tcg、pokemon_tcg_gb、pokemon_unite、pokemon_usum、pokemon_xd、pokemon_xy、和项目电压(了解更多)。
类型 版权&品牌
英文名 pokemon
别名 ;ポケモン;ポケモン擬人化;ポケモン人間絵;pkmn腐;ポケ擬;Pokemon;포켓몬;포켓몬스터;ポケモントレーナー版深夜の真剣お絵描き60分一本勝負;ポケモン×人間;ポケットモンスター;ポケモントレーナー;pocketmonsters;精灵宝可梦;ポケモン機械化;ポケモンイラスト;Pokémon;宝可梦;pkg版深夜の真剣お絵描き60分一本勝負;pokemonfanart;pkmn;ポケモンFA;星座タロット風ポケモン;ポケモンと生活;宝可梦图鉴