one (cevio)

A CeVIO Creative Studio voicebank developed by 1st PLACE. She is the second voicebank from the "-ARIA ON THE PLANETES-" project (the first was IA). Her character was designed by sidu and illustrated by Akasaka Aka. Her offical MMD model was created by mqdl.

Her name is written as "OИE" and pronounced "Oh-Neh".

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由 1st PLACE 开发的 CeVIO Creative Studio 语音库。她是“-ARIA ON THE PLANETES-”项目的第二个音库(第一个是IA)。她的角色由sidu设计,Akasaka Aka负责插画。她的官方MMD模型是由mqdl创建的。
类型 角色
英文名 one (cevio)
别名 one (cevio);オネ;ONE_-ARIA_ON_THE_PLANETES-;OИE;オネ;ONE