kagamine len

Kagamine Len is a Japanese VOCALOID developed and distributed by Crypton Future Media, Inc., and was released for the VOCALOID2 engine. He is the second of the Character Vocal Series together with Kagamine Rin and is an official PIAPRO character.

He is voiced by seiyuu, Shimoda Asami. He is originally designed and illustrated by KEI for his V2 voicebank. His V4X voicebank follows a similar outfit with readjustments designed and illustrated by iXima.

He has blonde hair done in a short ponytail and blue eyes. He wears a sailor collar shirt with bass clef print and necktie. He wears shorts along with detached sleeves, leg warmers and a white headset.

His counterpart is Kagamine Rin. Their relationship (whether they are siblings, lovers, etc) is officially left ambiguous and left up to the user to decide.

Official art



External links

The following tags are aliased to this tag: kagamine_ren (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: 25-ji_len, bottle_len, kagamine_len_(append), kagamine_len_(if), kagamine_len_(vocaloid4), leo/need_len, magical_mirai_len, more_more_jump!_len, sakura_len, vivid_bad_squad_len, wonderlands_x_showtime_len, and yuki_len (learn more).

Kagamine Len 是由 Crypton Future Media, Inc. 开发和发行的日本 VOCALOID,并针对 VOCALOID2 引擎发布。他与镜音凛一起是角色声乐系列的第二个角色,并且是 PIAPRO 的官方角色。

声优由下田麻美配音。他最初是由 KEI 为其 V2 语音库设计和绘制的。他的 V4X 语音库采用了类似的装备,并由 iXima 设计和插图进行了调整。



以下标签暗示此标签:25-ji_len、bottle_len、kagamine_len_(append)、kagamine_len_(if)、kagamine_len_(vocaloid4)、leo/need_len、magic_mirai_len、more_more_jump!_len、sakura_len、vivid_bad_squad_len、wonderlands_x_showtime_len 和 yuki_len(了解更多) 。
类型 角色
英文名 kagamine len
日文名 鏡音レン
别名 kagamine len;镜音连;鏡音レン;镜音连