
A plucked stringed instrument, either electric or acoustic, with a long neck. Closely related to the bass guitar except that a standard guitar typically has six strings and six tuning pegs at the top of the neck. On rare occasions a guitar may have more strings than that (e.g. 12).

Do not use the guitar tag for bass guitars.


This tag implicates instrument (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: acoustic_guitar, electric_guitar, and holding_guitar (learn more).

一种弹拨弦乐器,可以是电的或原声的,具有长琴颈。与低音吉他密切相关,只是标准吉他通常在琴颈顶部有六根弦和六个调音栓。在极少数情况下,吉他的琴弦数量可能会多于这个数量(例如 12 根)。

以下标签涉及此标签:acoustic_guitar、electric_guitar 和 Holding_guitar(了解更多)。
类型 其他
英文名 guitar
日文名 ギター
别名 ;ギター